
Adult, Family & Community Learning - www.nhc.ac.uk
Learning for pleasure, personal development, work, fun activities with your children, increasing your career prospects or returning to work. Tel: 01462 424242
Citizens Advice Bureau (CAB) - www.citizensadvice.org.uk
The CAB service help people resolve their legal, money and other problems by providing free independent and confidential advice. Tel: 08444 111 444
Contact a Family www.cafamily.org.uk
Support and information for families with disabled children - they also have information for professionals.  Free helpline:  0808 808 3555  Email: helpline@cafamily.org.uk
Day Out with the Kids www.dayoutwiththekids.co.uk
Family days out ideas and things to do for children - best cheap UK places to go and indoor play in Great Britain and your local area.
Family Fund - www.familyfund.org.uk
The UK's largest provider of grants to low-income families raising disabled and seriously ill children and young people.
Family Information Service - www.hertsdirect.org/fsd
Provides free, friendly impartial information/guidance on a full range of childcare, children's services and resources across Hertfordshire.
Parents pages - www.hertsdirect.org/parents
Provides a range of information on services for parents including choosing childcare, applying for free early education and finding parenting courses in your area.
Home Start www.home-start.org.uk
A voluntary organisation that offers free support for families struggling with physical and emotional issues surrounding family life.  Support includes post-natal illness, isolation, disability, bereavement, domestic violence and much more. Stevenage office tel: 01438 367788        Email: homestartstev@btconnect.com
Independent Parental Special Education - www.ipsea.org.uk
A charity that provides free legal based advice to families who have children with special needs.
Merlin's Magic Wand www.merlinsmagicwand.org
A worldwide charity for children aiming to provide magical experiences for those who are seriously ill, disabled or disadvantaged.
Mogozout www.mogozout.org
A good website for families to find out free and cheap things to do around Hertfordshire.
Parentline - 0808 800 2222
24 hour helpline offering a confidential listening service providing an opportunity to talk through the issues you are facing as a parent and help decide what to do next.
Rethink Mental Illness - www.rethink.org
Acharity that believes a better life is possible for millions of people affected by mental illness. Advice line: 0300 5000 927
Turn 2 Us - www.turn2us.org.uk
For families and professionals to access information on benefits and grants available to them.
Young Minds - www.youngminds.org.uk
Provides support to improving the emotional wellbeing and mental health of children and young people. Free helpline: 0808 802 5544

Just Talk is a multi-agency campaign, steered by young people and coordinated by the Public Health team at Hertfordshire County Council. The website hosts helpful resources about current issues. The site is updated frequently, so keep checking back. https://www.justtalkherts.org/

Health for Kids / Teens cover subjects that promote a healthy body and mind. All the content has been produced by school nurses, other health and wellbeing experts, and most importantly young people. Ages 11-19 https://www.healthforteens.co.uk/hertfordshire/ Primary age https://www.healthforkids.co.uk/ (There’s also a section for parents and carers)

Apps / National websites There are several apps to support mental health and Wellbeing. You are responsible for ensuring apps are appropriate for your age and needs. You may consider the ThinkNinja app: As a direct response to the COVID-19 situation, Healios have updated ThinkNinja with specific COVID-19 content. This will bring self-help knowledge and skills to children and young people (10-18 years old) who may be experiencing increased anxiety and stress during the current situation. https://www.healios.org.uk/services/thinkninja1

Young Minds is the UK’s leading charity fighting for children and young people's mental health. On this web page you will find lots of information about how to look after your mental health at this time https://youngminds.org.uk/ Information, advice and guidance

Herts Mind Network have a helpline for children and young people aged 10-17. The helpline provides a safe, non-judgemental space to talk to a Young People Advisor or Mentor who will provide emotional support, advice and information and discuss coping strategies. For opening hours and more information please visit the website https://www.hertsmindnetwork.org/young-peoples-helpline. The helpline number is 01923 256391. Herts Mind Network also have a Young People’s online group for those over 15. You can find out more here: https://www.hertsmindnetwork.org/young-peoples-online-group

Chat Health is a text messaging service for all secondary school aged pupils in Hertfordshire. It is a confidential service and available Monday to Friday from 9am to 5pm. Young people can message for advice on all kinds of health issues such as sexual health, emotional health and wellbeing, bullying, healthy eating and any general health concerns. The text number is: 07480 635050. Secondary school pupils can also follow the School Nurse Team on Instagram at teenhealth.hct.

Kooth is an online counselling service for anyone aged 10-25 in Hertfordshire. You can access a chat / messenger service, discussion boards, goal setting tools and a journal and a magazine. The website is moderated by trained professionals. You need to register but it is anonymous. https://www.kooth.com/

YC Hertfordshire Services for Young People provides youth work, information, advice, guidance, work related learning and support for young people. You can contact a Youth Worker or Personal Adviser for one to one and project groupwork support by calling 0300 123 7538, emailing yc@hertfordshire.gov.uk or visit https://www.ychertfordshire.org/

School – although staff at your school are very busy keeping everyone safe, you can still approach your pastoral team at school for advice and guidance. Further support If you are experiencing mental health difficulties that are significantly interfering with your ability to do the things you normally do, please contact (or ask your parents or carers to) Hertfordshire Partnership Foundation Trust Single Point of Access 0800 6444 101. This line is open 24/7 and can direct your enquiry to a number of specialist services depending on your needs.

The Wellbeing Service offers short term support to people that are 16 or over with mild to moderate mental health issues such as depression and anxiety (so you can let your parents or carers know about it too). You can visit https://www.northessexiapt.nhs.uk/hertfordshire for more information about the service and to self-refer. 


Worried about a child or young person? Contact the Parents Helpline for free, confidential advice via the phone, email or webchat.

This service provides information and signposting to help parents and carers find the information they are looking for with regards to their child's mental health.

Our webchat service is open Mon-Fri 9.30am-4pm
Once you are connected, a webchat adviser will direct you to information on our website or signpost you to other organisations that can offer further support. The conversation will last around ten minutes.

Following your chat you will have the option to receive the transcript of your conversation by email.

Our email service is open Mon-Fri 4pm-9.30am and anytime over the weekend.
In order to contact us by email you will be asked to complete our online contact form. We will endeavour to reply to your email within three working days.

The resources we send in our emails and webchats are written by helpline experts, and feature practical advice and strategies that you can implement. Please make sure you take the time to read any resources selected for you.

If you are deaf or speech-impaired, we offer our Parents Webchat as an alternative to the Parents Helpline


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